\name{doVennDiagram} \alias{doVennDiagram} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Create Venn Diagram } \description{ Create Venn diagram from lists. } \usage{ doVennDiagram(a, b, c = NULL, names, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{a}{ a vector of first list } \item{b}{ a vector of second list } \item{c}{ a vector of third list, optional } \item{names}{ a vector for the name of the set } \item{...}{ additional graphical parameter } } \details{ The funciton will create Venn diagram. If two lists (a and b) are provided, two-way Venn diagram will produced. If three lists (a, b, and c) are provided, three-way Venn diagram will be produced. This function depends on some functions of limma package, and is derived from limma package. } \value{ A plot of Venn diagram } \references{ Bioconductor limma package. } \author{ Yongming Sun } \examples{ %-doVennDiagram(list1, list2) %-doVennDiagram(list1, list2, list3, names = c("method1", "method2", "method3")) } \keyword{ hplot }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS