Changes in version 0.99.3 (2016-10-17) -------------------------------------- Internal Changes * Updated DESCRIPTION to include URL and BugReports fields, mostly as an exercise to test SVN access and syncing SVN <-> git Changes in version 0.99.2 (2016-10-12) -------------------------------------- Internal Changes * added a new slot to ModelComponents, `paramLimits`, which allows lower and upper limits to be set for each model parameter. (corrects bug where linearity wanders below 1, giving nonsense results). * rationalized the bounds of the data fit in the NLS procedure. Model fitting, and RCS calculation, are now all tied to the bin identified by fhStart. This selects the highest intensity (peak) in the first 20 non-zero channels, and ignores all channels below this point. Prior to this, the number of observations and associated degrees of freedom was calculated in an ad-hoc manner, making the RCS values (even-more) difficult to interpret; in addition, the single- and multi- cut values started at one channel, but the RCS calculations started on another channel, which didn't make sense. Changes in version 0.99.1 (2016-10-11) -------------------------------------- User Visible Changes * Vignette updated to include installation instructions for BioConductor Internal Changes * Added accessor functions for ModelComponent and FlowHist classes, so direct access of slots via the `@` operator is no longer used outside of the initialization functions. * replaced some loops with vectorized calculations * replaced call to `eval` with a normal function call to `nlsLM` in flowAnalyze.R. * formatted NEWS file Changes in version 0.99.0 (2016-08-25) -------------------------------------- * What's NEW? Everything so far!